Monday, May 21, 2012

A weighty matter (also, puns are cool)

I have a few things that I have been meaning to talk about - so add to my list, “Blog More”. It kind of helps. By the way, I begin with a photo of S and C being cowboys.  Adorable!
So here are my lists of goals / topics. I will expound in a Blog entry, maybe. Who knows these days?

  • Blog more
  • Lose some weight - (yup, I’m one of THOSE people)
  • Read better books (and this one I’ve been sticking with. Over the past month I’ve read “Anna Karenina”, and some more modern literature.
  • Write about my new pet peeve - Financial advisers who suck at month. I mean really, when did it become socially acceptable to admit to being bad at math, when your job IS math? Really!
  • Put away the clothes that I washed yesterday. Hang the damn shelf in the bathroom
  • Not have my kids watching Sesame Street while I Blog. Too late!
  • Write a post about the blogs that I read. I will link any reader’s blog who would like.

List making is one of those things that I do best, but I have to say, a lot of it takes place in my head.

Today I am going to talk about the second item on the list: weight loss. It sucks. For fear of alienating my readers, I’ll make a confession: I’ve never had that much trouble losing weight. At age 24 I had my wisdom teeth out, and developed complications. I lost 10 lbs quickly, and went from average for my height to the low end of average. I kept that weight for years, with no problems, give or take 5 lbs.
When I was pregnant, I was so sick, I had trouble keeping weight on. I saw a prenatal dietitian, who put me on a high fat, high calorie diet, what I like to call the “milkshake a day” diet. With her help, I gained a respectable amount of weight - the minimum for twins. After the babies were born, I lost the weight FAST. At 7 days postpartum, I was at my pre-pregnancy weight. A week after that I was too thin and had to restart the milkshake diet. I switched to whole milk, and had a big bowl of 11% fat greek yogurt for breakfast every morning. I kept this up for the first 9 months of nursing, (yup. Nursed twins for 14 months. I’m crazy), then slowly switched to a regular diet. Awesome.
Fast forward to the twins being almost 2. I’m tired, a lot. I’m miserable, a lot. I eat jelly beans. And cookies. And beer. And more cookies. I love my boys, I love my life, but it’s been a solid month of cold after cold after early morning wake up. I love my job, but (not going into details), it’s just a stressful time of year in my line of work. Also, I took on an extra summer class, and there is a month long overlap, where I am teaching double time. I realized that I can’t really hide what I do, so now you know. I’m a teacher.
Also, my son S loves to share with Mommy. That means that he shoves half of his food in my mouth. (C eats his own meals, thank you very much). S has been a thin boy since he was born, and as an infant, he had jaw and feeding issues. He’s been pretty low on the weight curve, but 50th percentile for height, so we have always given the boys lots of high fat and calorie food. That means when I make them pancakes, I use whole milk and 3 tbs of melted butter. As someone who was raised on skim milk and apple sauce to moisten, this is delicious. So when S puts a whole 500 calorie pancake in my mouth, I eat it.
So I eat S’s meals with him, then I sit down and eat my own. This is an old story - but it still makes me miserable.
But hey, don’t feel that bad for me, I don’t weigh that much. I have a 5 lb range I would like to be in. I am 5 lbs above the top of that range. So, not that hard. So here is my resolutions:

  • Lose 5 lbs over 2 weeks. We are 2 days in, and I was down 1/2  lb, then had a party and ate a lot of pie and drank a bunch of wine.
  • Lose 10 lbs over 2 months. For those of you keeping track, this will bring me close to my wedding day, and at the bottom end of my range.
  • Accomplish this by healthy eating, more veggie and fruit, not a fad diet
  • Exercise. Really truly
  • By new running shoes, and start running with my friend B.

Honestly, this shouldn’t be unreasonable. So I will try to chart my progress on this blog, but, hey, I may just not write for another month. Whatever.

So hey, here’s one more thing. The more comments I get, the more motivated I am to Blog, and then get stuff done. So feel free to comment (nice stuff only please, my ego is fragile), and feel free to share my blog with other friends, or link to it on your blog. Just stick with the anonymous thing, even though I know both of you, my sole readers know exactly who I am.

Until next time!


  1. Ha! Another confession -- while I've never been good at losing weight, the one way I managed to was getting pregnant. Lost 5 lbs during the first trimester (food was suddenly disgusting to me), was active throughout and only gained 20 lbs, and had miserable delivery and lost those 20 lbs all over again. So I came out lighter! But I've also been eating a lot, because I lost a lot of blood and was somewhat anemic, and am also breastfeeding... lots of meat, cheese, full-fat everything. It's starting to show though -- not good. How silly would it be if I lost weight by being pregnant and gained weight afterwards?

    Do you like running? I hate it. It really makes me want to retch. So boring. I did get a pair of running shoes a year ago to go jogging with hubby, and probably used them twice. Even though we have a beautiful park in our backyard and gorgeous weather year round. I can walk for hours, but when I run, I just keep thinking about it being over!

  2. Also, kinda ironic: I've been looking for a baby cowboy hat for weeks now, as I thought it would be cute. I didn't realise how much cuter an OVERSIZED cowboy hat on a baby would be!

  3. S and C are super adorable!

    I've been doing yoga since the summer. I try to go twice a week. It's really relaxing, and I always feel more toned afterwards. Maybe it might be a good way to destress and lose weight?

    I love when you post stuff! I hope you don't stay miserable!

  4. Thanks guys! I don't love running, but I am willing to try it for a friend.. we'll see. Update, since I started this diet I am down 2.5 lbs, which is pretty good.
